PDW Lab project at SA JoyTown Special Secondary School

Mastercard Foundation 

Exploring innovative ways to leverage technology to improve learning for students with disabilities. We focus on enhancing inclusivity in high schools and vocational training institutes, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to optimize their abilities.
With these collaborative efforts, we’re committed to creating a future where all young people, regardless of ability, can thrive and succeed.  

Coffee Nursery Establishment

 Increasing #coffeegrowing in the escarpments of Soy South with youth taking the lead! By planting coffee, we’re not only boosting our local economy but also taking a vital step towards preventing landslides and protecting our beautiful landscape. PACJACI

Coffee nursery, stakeholder engagement

Meeting with county officials and local learning institutions to share the outcome of the project and identify areas of collaboration to scale the uptake of the projects including coffee growing in the escarpment and advancing climate change advocacy within the county. We have since engaged world vision, county government, Kenya Coffee Platform, Elgeyo Maraket CSO Consortium, REST Hub and Mindililwo special Primary school.

Tree planting with young persons with disability

Tree planting with persons with disabilities at Mindililwo Special Primary School.  A move to ensure inclusivity in the project. We planted Avacado trees around the school and we are looking forward to establishing a fruit tree nursery in the school to ensure that this community participates in climate action.

Empowering Communities: Locally Led Climate Action in Soy South Ward, Elgeyo Marakwet County

Community Engagement At Teber, Soy south
Community Engagement At Teber, Soy south

Empowering Communities: Locally Led Climate Action in Soy South Ward, Elgeyo Marakwet County

January 8, 2024

In the face of escalating climate change challenges, communities around the world are increasingly taking matters into their own hands. One such inspiring initiative has unfolded in Soy South Ward, Elgeyo Marakwet County, where the local youth have spearheaded a project that demonstrates the power of community engagement and action. The project focused on training the youth to become agents of change, advocating for climate action, and addressing the specific challenges faced by the community.

Youth-Led Training and Community Engagement

The heart of the project lay in empowering the youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive climate action within their community. Through targeted training sessions, these young leaders gained insights into climate change, community engagement, and advocacy. Armed with this knowledge, they set out to engage their community and collaboratively develop solutions tailored to the challenges faced in Soy South Ward.

Identifying Climate Change Challenges

The community engagement efforts revealed a myriad of challenges exacerbated by climate change. Notable issues included landslides due to the hilly topography, impacting local agriculture, and posing a threat to livelihoods. The community also identified the need for sustainable alternatives to combat climate change impacts on agriculture and the environment.

Community-Driven Solutions

In response to the identified challenges, the community brainstormed and proposed practical solutions. Recognizing the importance of sustainable farming practices, they highlighted the cultivation of coffee, Napier grass, Grevillea eucalyptus, bottle brush, and cypress as resilient alternatives. Additionally, the community unanimously agreed that terracing the hilly landscape could be the key to preventing landslides and erosion. To kickstart the initiative, the Jenga Future Initiative provided seedlings for a few of the identified plants, supporting the community’s efforts to adopt climate-resilient farming practices.

Identifying Gaps and Opportunities

The project not only addressed immediate climate challenges but also identified crucial gaps and opportunities for further action. It underscored the necessity of involving youth in climate initiatives, recognizing them as powerful catalysts for change. Additionally, the project revealed the need for more extensive training on terracing techniques to effectively address the issue of landslides in the region.

The success of the project stands as a testament to the power of community-driven solutions. By actively involving the youth and leveraging local knowledge, the community not only identified practical strategies for climate resilience but also established the groundwork for sustainable, long-term change. As Jenga Future Initiative continues to blossom, they serve as beacons of hope, demonstrating that impactful climate action begins at the grassroots level.

Seedling distribution at Kibigor, Soy South

Empowering Communities: Locally Led Climate Action in Soy South Ward, Elgeyo Marakwet County

Community Engagement At Teber, Soy south

In the face of escalating climate change challenges, communities around the world are increasingly taking matters into their own hands. One such inspiring initiative has unfolded in Soy South Ward, Elgeyo Marakwet County, where the local youth have spearheaded a project that demonstrates the power of community engagement and action. The project focused on training the youth to become agents of change, advocating for climate action, and addressing the specific challenges faced by the community.

Youth-Led Training and Community Engagement

The heart of the project lay in empowering the youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive climate action within their community. Through targeted training sessions, these young leaders gained insights into climate change, community engagement, and advocacy. Armed with this knowledge, they set out to engage their community and collaboratively develop solutions tailored to the challenges faced in Soy South Ward.

Identifying Climate Change Challenges

The community engagement efforts revealed a myriad of challenges exacerbated by climate change. Notable issues included landslides due to the hilly topography, impacting local agriculture, and posing a threat to livelihoods. The community also identified the need for sustainable alternatives to combat climate change impacts on agriculture and the environment.

Community-Driven Solutions

In response to the identified challenges, the community brainstormed and proposed practical solutions. Recognizing the importance of sustainable farming practices, they highlighted the cultivation of coffee, Napier grass, Grevillea eucalyptus, bottle brush, and cypress as resilient alternatives. Additionally, the community unanimously agreed that terracing the hilly landscape could be the key to preventing landslides and erosion. To kickstart the initiative, the Jenga Future Initiative provided seedlings for a few of the identified plants, supporting the community’s efforts to adopt climate-resilient farming practices.

Identifying Gaps and Opportunities

The project not only addressed immediate climate challenges but also identified crucial gaps and opportunities for further action. It underscored the necessity of involving youth in climate initiatives, recognizing them as powerful catalysts for change. Additionally, the project revealed the need for more extensive training on terracing techniques to effectively address the issue of landslides in the region.

The success of the project stands as a testament to the power of community-driven solutions. By actively involving the youth and leveraging local knowledge, the community not only identified practical strategies for climate resilience but also established the groundwork for sustainable, long-term change. As Jenga Future Initiative continues to blossom, they serve as beacons of hope, demonstrating that impactful climate action begins at the grassroots level.